Jon Smith subs service is an industry that started operation in 1988 (29 years), They started franchising in 2016 (1 year). If you are interested as a person or a group in joining Jon Smith subs service as a franchisee, below is all available information about Jon Smith subs service that you will need to know.
We would start with a general overview of Jon Smith subs service after which details such as how much a Jon Smith Subs service cost and the required total investment cost, the regular training and supports available to their franchisee and at last we will discuss how to start a Jon Smith Subs service.
About Jon Smith Subs Service Franchise
Jon Smith Subs service is a food company founded in 1988 by Jon, he did the transformation of the menu, pricing and the overall operation. Presently they are only limited to the united states and plans are in place to expand nationwide. They started franchising in 2016 and are part of the United Franchise Group Family of brands beach county.
Jon Smith Subs service offer casual dining, fast table service, well grilled meats, sandwiches, French fries and other restaurant prepared delicacies in their restaurant every day. They offer quality and a very clean service for their customers with special emphasis on fresh ingredients.
Jon Smith Subs Service Franchise Cost
A Jon Smith subs service franchise will cost you a liquid capital requirement which amounts to $150,000. Coupled with other expenses that needs to be fulfilled to become a franchisee at Jon Smith subs service.
Jon Smith Subs Service Franchise Fee
A franchise fee of $29,500 is required to be paid to become a franchisee with a 6% royalty fee. This as explained by the company depends on company expenses for grant acquisition, uniqueness of business and more.
Jon Smith Subs Service Franchise Startup Cost
For those interested in joining Jon Smith Subs service franchise, you will be required a total investment capital which amounts to $300,000 as low and $400,000 as high.
Jon Smith Subs Service Franchise Membership Training, Requirements and Support
Successful franchising depends on successful support. If you become accepted as one of Jon Smith subs service franchisee to own your company and setup your office, then you are opened to enjoy the following benefits in training and supports:
- Jon Smith Subs service lay solid foundation for franchisee on which you build your business
- At Jon Smith Subs service, you receive initial training at their headquarters after which you receive further training in your store and beyond. Their philosophy is never to leave your alone.
- Jon Smith subs service provide access to online training tools and collaborative system, this is to ensure that you are not left behind but remain updated about latest industry trends, training updates, marketing programs amongst others.
- As a Jon Smith subs service franchisee have access to some innovative market plans which include different channel or approach targeting local business.
- Among the other things provided for franchisee at Jon Smith subs service are grand opening toolkit, PR campaigns, online marketing solution, mailer, point of purchase display, printed material (DOC, PDF). All this resources are created by their in house marketing team.
- The presences of the State of the Art training facilities and well baked classroom instructors will help provide the best foundation to help you launch your business with confidence.
- At Jon Smith Subs service, you receive two weeks of in-depth classroom instruction since they are dedicated to the success of each of their franchisee, they will help you get off the ground quickly and grow successful.
Jon Smith Subs Service Franchise Application and Terms of Agreement
You will have to contact them by requesting for the information online or by giving them a call.
How much does a Jon Smith Subs Service Franchise Make?
Food has been seen as an essential part of living. So one would understand why concluding that a Jon Smith subs service franchisee will get a lot of sales would be reasonable, humans won’t stop eating.
Some other factors will define how much a Jon Smith subs service franchisee makes include the location, the size of the work force, their taste amongst others. A detailed and up to date information on how much a Jon Smith subs service franchisee makes can be received upon contacting their office.
How to Open Jon Smith Subs Service Franchise
We have discussed almost all important things to note about Jon Smith subs service franchising company and how to start operation. For those interested in becoming one of their Franchisee, quickly contact them by visiting their mobile friendly website Http// further information can be received by giving them a call directly on 888-978-3171. You could as well send them mail at