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How To Start Egg Distribution (Wholesale Supply) Business [PLAN]


Are you interested in the egg wholesale business?

Well, there are multiple ways of participating in the poultry industry. Our focus is on egg distribution. Whenever this business is mentioned, people only think of the poultry farmer.

How Can I Start An Egg Wholesale Business?

However, there are several other participants in the poultry business value chain. These offer an equally valuable service. We will discuss the egg distribution business plan.

SEE: Wholesale Chicken Suppliers

Here is how to start an egg supply business.

Do you want to start an egg distribution business? Many people do not understand that there is a huge business opportunity in connecting egg buyers and sellers.

Marketing eggs come with lots of investment benefits because eggs are consumed daily.

Many poultry farmers who produce eggs on their farms do not have the time to market in a bid to reach out to potential buyers because of the task of managing the farm.

This burden is taken off by egg distributors who come into poultry farms to buy crates of eggs at a reduced price and sell to market women (who retail to end consumers) at a profit.

Many industries, such as baking and confectionery, use eggs as an essential part of their raw materials. The production of poultry eggs is a significant source of income for farmers who are into layer bird production.

Producers of layers of feed and poultry cages, drinkers, and feeders also make money from this industry.

Egg Supplier Business is a highly profitable business idea, but most people have not realized the immense investment benefits it brings because eggs are consumed daily in most households.

You can also look for an egg distribution business for sale that you can buy at a reasonable price.

Most farmers can’t advertise the eggs they have produced to potential customers because of their busy schedule managing their farms. Still, egg merchants who serve as wholesalers take this weight by purchasing the eggs in large quantities from the farmers at a decreased cost, selling them to retail marketers, and making a good profit.

Egg production generates passive income for farmers and producers of related products such as poultry cages, feeders, drinkers, and layer feeders because eggs are essential raw materials in the Baking, Confectionery, and Cosmetics industries.

Eggs are the healthiest food in the world as they are one of the best sources of protein, rich in cholesterol which reduces many health risks and is helpful in the growth and development of young children.

Eggs are also rich in vitamin A for good eyesight and contain chlorine which is essential in the production of molecules in the brain.

The demand for eggs in the African market is currently very high and steadily increasing due to their wide variety of uses in products such as; confectioneries like bread, cakes, and meat-pie, cosmetics like shampoo, conditioners, soaps, cholesterol, face masks, and is also used in the textile industry for glue and a cleaning agent for leather surfaces.

The egg supply business provides good profits due to its advantages over other protein-rich foods like Fish, Turkey, Chicken, and Meat.

Some of these advantages of egg distribution are:

1. Affordability for customers.
2. Less stress in handling.
3. No need for a power supply.
4. No need for specialized tools.
5. Variety of uses, e.g., baking, cosmetics and consumption, and much more.

How do you run this profitable egg delivery business? It’s easy; all you need to do is follow nothing more than these five simple procedures. These are important in writing a plan.

1. Locate a farm that sells eggs
2. Acquire the eggs at a lower rate
3. Locate a retailer that is ready to purchase the eggs
4. Sell at a higher rate to the retailer
5. Enjoy your profits.

Gather Your Capital

Although some farms may give you a certain amount of crates on credit after you have been tested over time, you will need to have your capital with you when starting an egg distribution business.

It would help if you decided on how many crates of eggs you want to start supplying based on how much capital you have raised and how large the market is.

Also note that in most farms, you would get a better price when you buy more.

Source For Reliable Poultry Farms

Your source of getting table eggs that you supply must be reliable. It will help if you are looking for farms that could give you eggs at competitive prices.

The price of medium eggs ranges from #500-#550 per crate in significant towns such as Lagos, Ibadan, Kano, Calabar, Portharcourt, Enugu, and Abuja. Jumbo (Extra large or Double Yolk) goes for #630 – #680 Naira per crate.

Some farms will not allow you to come to the farm will your paper crates to avoid transmission of infection through bins used on other farms. Paper crates can be sold to you at N30-35, depending on the poultry farm.

When choosing farms to stay buying eggs from, it is essential to consider the selling price, quality of eggs in terms of size and color, distance to market, and means of transporting the eggs.

Look For Egg Buyers (Retailers)

One of the critical successes in the egg business is growing a list of reliable egg buyers.

You can get a market for your eggs through market women in the foodstuff markets like Bodija in Ibadan, bakeries, and caterers and their referrals.

How many eggs you can sell should influence how many eggs you buy from your source, i.e., poultry farms.

Means Of Transporting Eggs

Most egg distribution businesses move eggs from poultry farms to the market or their storehouses using vans. If you do not have a personal panel van or truck, you can hire one for a start.

Asides from careful driving, padding of the vehicle and the compact arrangement of egg crates will minimize the number of cracks.

Get A Warehouse/Outlet

The demand for table eggs fluctuates. Sometimes you end up buying more eggs than are eventually sold. There comes the need for an egg storage facility. An understanding of the guidelines of egg storage is essential in the construction of your warehouse.

Site your egg supply outlet strategically, as this will give your egg marketing business the needed exposure.


Necessary Things To Ensure Your Success in The Egg Retailing Business

1. CAPITAL: It is your capital that draws the attention of the farmer regardless of your abilities, and it is your capital that sometimes determines the quantity and price of the crate of eggs.

Quantity is a significant factor in the egg depot business; the more you purchase, the better the prices. Supply from the farmers may even prove challenging, not because you lack the funds but because it’s simply due to the lack of eggs.

Farmers tend to give tests based on consistency and sales limit over a particular timeframe, and passing this test ensures that you will always have a reliable supply from that farm.

2. GET A LARGE AND DEPENDABLE FARM: Getting an extensive and dependable farm comes next after securing your capital. Notice that the word LARGE and DEPENDABLE farm is used.

This is because larger farms tend to lower prices, and you will need a dependable farm with a good foundation in this business.

It would help if you looked out for farms that offer eggs at reasonable costs when sourcing for farms.

A few farms will not permit you to bring your paper crates to avoid the risk of contamination and sell you their paper crates at the average rate of N35 to N45, depending on the farms.

Other factors to be aware of are the quality of eggs based on size and color, the selling price, distance to the market, and the method of transporting the eggs.

3. DETECT YOUR TARGETS: You must find shops in a range that has a decent population and human movement, as well as markets where you can have a genuine supply of eggs, As long as you have a proper client connection and a good area readily available, you will have an endless list of opportunities to choose from.

You could likewise supply to egg shops more distant than yours if you are mobile and have targets ranging from Bakers who come in to buy large quantities and retailers and sub-distributors.

4. GET DEPENDABLE RETAILERS: The next step is to get a reliable retailer since this is an essential factor that determines the success of the egg supply business.

To ensure smooth business operations, you have to get your clients first before getting a shop for yourself, and this is important because your retailers must be nearer to your shop and not the farm where you get the eggs.

5. GET A STORAGE FACILITY/OUTLET: When supply may exceed demand, you may end up purchasing a more significant number of eggs that can be sold at that period, which would ultimately require the need for an egg storage facility/warehouse.

To ensure the success of your egg supply business, an understanding of the principles of egg storage is needed in the construction of the warehouse and the location of the warehouse relative to the other shops and egg supply farms.

6. TRANSPORTATION: Transportation is another essential factor to be considered and depending on the size of the capital, it is advised to start on a small scale.

Hired commercial vehicles can transport eggs from farms without a personal business vehicle. It is also essential to drive carefully, as eggs are fragile.

To reduce the incidence of egg breakage, provide vehicles with cushioning. A suitable arrangement should also be made.


What is the price of a crate of eggs?

Wholesalers in Nigeria make about N100 per crate, so you may earn an average of N200,000 profit by selling 500 boxes a week, depending on your area, investment, and population.

As your business grows, your profits will continue to soar higher, and one of the techniques to maximize your profit is to set up smaller retail outlets where you make up to N230 from each crate of eggs, and this is an additional payment if you have somebody selling at that outlet for you.

Starting the egg supply business involves starting small and gradually developing your capital while gaining a foothold in the industry by marketing and building connections, which is even more challenging than getting the money or products.

The demand for eggs is enormous, and it may prove not easy at first as each merchant and retailer has a provider, but your success would be determined when you can replace their current provider.

Remember not to undermine the effectiveness of personal relationships and referrals. It is good to keep yourself productive and to always focus on how profitable this business is.

Starting an egg supply business can start small and grow your capital slowly. Buying and selling eggs might look strange, but concentrate on how profitable it is. Don’t underestimate the place of personal relationships and referrals in the business’s success.

Keep yourself busy and be productive.

Things Needed for an Egg Distribution Business

Egg distribution is open to poultry farmers and anyone interested in participating in this highly profitable business area.

To begin with, you have to be on the lookout for many things. While there are lots of opportunities, there are challenges too! These challenges are not insurmountable with the right plan in place.

  • Always Have an Implementable Plan

Your business plan is invaluable. This document sets forth a direct and clear line of action at every stage of the business. This should be carefully written and stripped of all complexities to allow for easy implementation.

Every part of the plan is essential. Contents should include a 3-year profit projection, marketing strategies, organizational structure, an executive summary, and a business description.

Like any business, certain things must be in place to succeed. The same applies to an egg distribution business. In planning your business, these should not be overlooked. They include;

  • Supply and Demand

As an egg distributor, there should be a healthy dose of supply and demand. In other words, you should have a good source of egg supply. Not every poultry business produces quality eggs.

Quality eggs are essential to how quickly they are disposed of or sold; specific poultry farms are reputed for producing quality eggs. These should be on top of your preference list for suppliers.

On the other hand, demand is as significant as supply in the egg distribution business. There has to be a ready market for your products (eggs).

It is, therefore, essential to know or learn everything you can about your buyers. You may choose to serve or supply to end-users (consumers), or you may prefer to work with retailers.

Understanding the dynamics between the two is necessary.

Having multiple distribution chains will positively impact your business. But why is this necessary? It is essential because these are channels through which your egg supply business grows.

The more demand for eggs, the bigger your profits and capacity. The same applies to supply.

  • Only Seek Out the Best Deal

This is important, especially when looking for possible suppliers (poultry farms). As an egg distribution business, you will closely work with poultry farm owners.

It is necessary to balance the best poultry product (eggs) and the price. Thousands of poultry farmers are likely to offer you a better bargain.

It would help if you exhausted your options in choosing the most preferred poultry product supplier. This will significantly enhance your profit margins.

  • Having Sufficient Start-up Capital

Funding is a lifeline for an egg supply business. Start-up funding depends on the scale of egg distributorship. You may choose to save up for this or may prefer to apply for a loan. Whatever your preferences or needs are, your business needs to be adequately funded.

Sufficient funding is needed to purchase your first product consignments).

A delivery van is essential for an egg distribution business to be successful. Getting one will cost you. However, instead of buying one, you can convert the one you have for business use.

The number of vans you need will depend on the size of your business. The larger the size of your egg distribution business, the more delivery vans will be required.

  • Egg Packaging and Storage

Egg packaging and storage facilities are some of the most important requirements that help deliver eggs safely. This reduces damages or cracks as well as spoilage of these products.

Let’s discuss each of these separately;

  • Egg Packaging

For the safe distribution of eggs, they need to be packaged appropriately. This enhances their delivery to end consumers.

Proper packaging of eggs will prevent them from tainting, natural predators, moisture loss, and natural predators. Packaging involves a lot of things. These include labeling as well as protective packaging.

The packaging is crucial for protecting eggs and will provide a form of identification.

  • Egg Storage

As an egg distributor, you must have product storage or holding facility. Eggs are fragile, and storage facilities are needed to keep them from spoiling. While storing eggs in cold storage, they shouldn’t be washed.

However, these must be clean. Cold storage for eggs requires close monitoring if ideal storage conditions are to be met.

The good thing about egg storage is that it does not have to last long. As long as there is a demand for eggs, minimal storage time is needed.

The egg distribution business plan involves a whole lot of procedures. Having these at the back of your mind is necessary before venturing into this area of business.

Depending on the size of your business, staffing is required. The right type of workers should be hired. These will include drivers, packaging staff, and more. It is necessary to strategize before venturing out.

Doing this will enhance the chance of success.

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