If you are planning to start a doggie daycare business, you are definitely going to need a business plan that will give you the right perspective you need to start the business and make you project for the future of the business and make adequate plans towards it.
This article guides you on how to create a doggie daycare business plan, I suggest you make use of it.
BUSINESS NAME: Doonie Doggie Daycare
Table of Content
- Executive Summary
- Vision Statement
- Mission Statement
- Business Structure
- Products and Services
- Target Market
- Sales and Marketing Strategy
- Startup Cost
- Sources of Capital
Doonie Doggie Daycare is a dog day care center aim at providing adequate care for dogs. It is going to be established in South Carolina in the United States of America. Though we found out from our market research that a couple of doggie daycare centers are already established in the area we are planning to site our own doggie daycare business, we are not perturb at all. This is because the presence of other doggie daycare centers in our intending location shows that there is market for the business.
So, rather allowing the existing competitors to scare us away, we are planning to penetrate and take over the doggie daycare industry in South Carolina and the United States as a whole by leveraging on what our competitors are not doing. And through our research, we discovered that none of our competitors are providing doggie daycare delivery services.
Dog owners are the one charged with the responsibility of taking their dogs back and forth to daycare center and many of them see this as time consuming. They don’t mind paying for a service that will help them take their dogs to daycare and return them back at designated time.
This is where we want to come in, we want to solve this problem for dog owners and use it in differentiating ourselves from the market.
Apart from the unique solution we are bringing to the market place, we will also ensure we make our environment beautiful and serene. Our daycare facilities will also be of world class standard and the services we offer our customers will be of excellent quality. To this end, we are going to employ staffs that are highly experienced in doggie day care business and are committed to helping us achieve the goals we have for the doggie daycare business.
The daycare business will be owned by Mr. Alfred Smith. Mr. Alfred Smith is a certified dog trainer who has over 30 year experience in dog care and dog training. He has consulted for more than 100 reputable doggie daycare business in the United States.
The vision of Doonie Doggie Daycare is be among the best top ten doggie daycare company in the whole of United States within the next 10 years.
The mission of Doonie Doggie Daycare is to always stay on top of the industry by continually look for ways to satisfy our customers and provide values to them.
We will always be on lookout for problems that are overlooked by other doggie daycare businesses and come up with innovate ways to solve them in such a way that our customers will be ultimately satisfied.
We know that there is no way we will be able to achieve the vision and mission of our doggie daycare business if we don’t put a solid business structure on ground. To this end, we are going to ensure that we employ people not only competent but also share our vision and are dedicated to working hard in bringing that vision to fruition. Doonie Doggie Daycare business structure will be made up of:
- Chief Executive Officer
- Administrative Manager
- Human Resource Manager
- Dog Caregivers
- Dog Handlers
- Dog Trainers
- Dog Supervisors
- Marketing and Sales Executives
- Accountant/Cashier
- Receptionist
- Customer Representatives
- Security Guards
- Cleaners
- Drivers
In order to optimally satisfy our customers, Doonie Doggie Daycare business will offer different products and services that will range from:
- Grooming of Doggie
- Dog Sitting
- Operation of doggie shelter
- Boarding of Doggie
- Doggie Day Care
- Sales of Doggie Foods
- Sales of Dog Care Materials
- Home Pickup and Delivery of dogs
We know it is a deadly assumption to think that everyone is our potential customers. This is why we hired a business analyst who help us create a customer avatar that vividly describe who our target market is.
So, our target will comprise of different set of people are in need of our products and services. They include corporate and professional, tourists and travelers, college students and business owners who have dogs but are busy to take care of them.
We know that marketing is essential to the success of our doggie daycare business. This is why we have carefully mapped out a marketing strategy with the help of our marketing teams. We will make use of both the traditional and the digital marketing methods.
The total cost we project in starting up the doggie daycare business is $250,000. This will cover the cost of getting the daycare facilities and equipment, hiring of business analyst and marketing strategist, purchasing of the daycare delivery van, recruiting staffs, and payment of our staff salaries for the first three months.
Mr. Alfred Smith has been able to raise $150,000. He raised 100, 000 from his personal assets and $50,000 from the loan he got from his family member. He intends to get the remaining 100,000 by applying for bank loan.